On Thu, 25 Jan 2007 01:54:54 -0600, "Jeff Pohlmeyer" yetanothergeek@gmail.com wrote:
I know most people really like the auto-complete feature, but it drives me crazy :-)
Why? Any specific reason or do you don't like it basically?
Here is a tiny patch that allows setting the auto-complete height to zero, which will disable it.
I didn't really applied your patch but though it is in SVN since r1232 ;-).
I added an option to disable the auto completion in the preferences dialog. I like it more to have a checkbox to explicitly en/disable something instead of setting values to something invalid. And the auto completion triggered by the keybinding (default Ctrl +Space) is still working even if the auto completion is disabled. So one can save the trouble of having opening auto completion windows and still use the feature if he really want to use it.
I think, this should make happy most people.
Regards, Enrico
P.S.: sorry, my English sounds terrible today.
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