Did you also tried without the quotes? This shouldn't matter but who knows.
Yes, I've tried. It doesn't work.
I guess you are using Geany 0.13 or older? Geany 0.13 and older appended this switch everytime. We changed this in 0.14 and made it configurable.
True. I'm using the 0.13 version.
I guess upgrading your Geany version will help a lot. But it's still strange that '-of' doesn't work. Or I'm missing something.
I installed Geany 0.13 through the package system under Linux. There was no 0.14 there. Is it possible to upgrade this current version, or must I totally deinstall it first, and then manually install 0.14? I'm a bit uncomfortable with manual installs/upgrades after I had to go through a lot of hassle with DMD.
On 09/09/2008, Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger@uvena.de wrote:
On Mon, 8 Sep 2008 23:26:46 +0200, Brendan brenzie@gmail.com wrote:
Yes, you are right about that, the `-of` switch. I was looking for it on the link you gave, but couldn't find it before.
I tried non-space inbetween `testing` and `-of`, but it doesn't work.
Did you also tried without the quotes? This shouldn't matter but who knows.
I also changed the `Set Includes and Arguments`, but no good effect either. It seems Geany always puts the `-of` switch, even if it's not there in the settings.
I guess you are using Geany 0.13 or older? Geany 0.13 and older appended this switch everytime. We changed this in 0.14 and made it configurable.
Now I just don't know anymore. I think I will ask on a forum somewhere. If I get to know the solution, I will let you know. Thanks for your help :)
I guess upgrading your Geany version will help a lot. But it's still strange that '-of' doesn't work. Or I'm missing something.
Regards, Enrico
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