On Fri, 23 Jan 2009 09:04:04 +1100, Gordon Wrigley gordon.wrigley@gmail.com wrote:
Sorry I wasn't clear enough, my complaint isn't that the dialog is modal on the file, that is fine, my complaint is that it is modal on the entire editor, once that dialog comes up I can't do anything else until I've figured out why that file changed and what I want to do about it. I can't even close the file, let alone edit some other file.
Ok, sorry. I totally misunderstood you, my bad.
You are right about the firefox save passwords dialog being easy to miss, the gedit file changed notification is about 4x as big, has a big exclamation mark on it and prevents editing of the file until you
Yes, I just checked the Gedit notification. It is indeed big and red enough to not be missed that easy.
deal with it. However you can still use the rest of the editor, you can switch to other tabs and use them as normal and you can close the current tab.
I agree that it would be a nice improvement to 'lock' only the externally modified document instead of the whole editor. Though I still don't like those 'embedded' notification areas that much but this is just me. The bigger problem would be the portion of code which has to be rewritten to make this possible. I'm not totally against it but I won't implement it myself, sorry.
Regards, Enrico