Yes,, this looks like a GTK bug. Anyone here have comment rights on that bugzilla already and could post this info their? Otherwise, I have to go set up yet another bugzilla. :)
Sorry, but you've got all the info. There are lots of filechooser crash critical bugs in the list, several look much the same as yours. But many are pretty old. New info may galvanise the maintainers (then again it might not :-)
It looks to me like a race between the change in the underlying directory and the chooser updates and user actions which cause an something to use the outdated information. Probably missing gdk_threads_enter/leave pair. For instance the function where your assert failed is comparing a local variable to one which could be updated by a different thread but isn't protected by threads_enter/leave, but it depends where its called from it might be protected there.
Cheers Lex
This bug (that isn't fedora-specific) happens sometimes when the GTK+ file chooser gets updated. Since Geany never destroys its filechooser, it makes it more vulnerable to this bug than some other software.
Regards, Colomban
Thanks, Colomban, yes that looks like it.
Cheers Lex
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