Hi Enrico, congratulations - geany has grown to a great editor for programming purposes.
I like the replace dialog. Is it possible to give a hint to the user when a the whole page is searched? I mean when the dialog "The match "open_it" was not found. Wrap search around the document?" appears it is possible to cycle endless through the page.
I don't want to change this but i would like to see the dialog like this:
"The document has been searched completely but the match "open_it" was not found. Wrap search around the document?"
The next i noticed is python stuff. I i added a pythonscript (my first usefull one ;-) ) which shows a strange behaviour. There are shown functions in symbol view as methods but they arn't. These functions are "local functions" in the namespace of tk_gui().
A method is a function of a class A local function is a function inside a function
cu Sebastian