On Fri, 21 Nov 2008 10:29:16 +0000, "Pieta Schofield" p.schofield@dundee.ac.uk wrote:
I have tried to add custom templates using 0.15 "Quillan" on Windows and have failed. I got it working fine on Linux on my Acer One notebook so I understand the process. Is it different on Window?
No, it's not different on Windows and it actually works fine[1]. Be sure to edit/place your template files in the configuration directory and not in the application directory.
You should have somthing like c:\documents and settings\username \Application Data\Geany\templates In this directory you can edit the existing templates and there should be a subdirectory "files" where you can place new, own template files.
[1] it works fine except for {datetime} which might break the template due to a bug in Geany. We don't convert the output of strftime() back to UTF-8 which we should do. This is not strictly related to Windows, might also happen on other systems when the locale is not UTF-8, *sigh*. Will fix this later.
Regards, Enrico