Le 14/10/2012 21:51, Matthew Brush a écrit :
On 12-10-14 03:45 AM, Lex Trotman wrote:
Thats the point it is not my icon choice, I am stuck with the whole theme or nothing unless I start playing with the complexities.
The "complexities" are some imagined thing you cooked up in your head instead of learning how icon theming works in Linux. It's far more complex for a user to have to find a hidden application-specific setting to make it well behaved, than it is for you to tweak or change your current icon theme.
Yep. And even if you don't know how theme works, you could simply do
$ find /where/is/Faenza -name 'geany*' | while read f; do mv "$f" "${f%/*}/xxx-${f##*/}"; done
And be happy :)
As I said before, I don't care which way the default is set, to use the theme or to use Geanys icon, so long as there is a simple way of "fixing" the Geany icon. Lets see what others say.
It should default to FALSE/OFF at least. I also think it's a bad reason for a setting because it's not at all Geany's problem to solve, but whatever, we already have 42M other hidden settings most people won't use, one more won't hurt much.
Cheers, Matthew Brush