Lex Trotman wrote:
Everyone in the Geany "inner circle" as you call it, only works on Geany in their own time, and they all have other things to do,
I'm well aware of how much time and energy an open source project can suck up. I'm the main maintainer of two widely used FOSS libraries, which i only work on in my own time.
they move house, they take holidays, their internet goes down (all happened in 2010)... So yes, response time can be variable, and busy people don't always read all the messages in a conversation etc, its the nature of a small project.
If you have constructive suggestions they will be welcome I'm sure, but remember that big changes of process or code will be difficult to have accepted due to the limited time people have to consider and understand the proposals, and to implement and test the changes, incremental change is the way to approach things when resources are thin.
I was not actually asking for more reponsiveness for the existing small set of developers, but rather an increase in the number of people with commit access.
As to Gedit, it has only one instance with multiple windows (my option 3) so many of the problems don't apply, but refactoring Geany to support multiple top levels is a big change.
Unfortunately, that statement, in conjunction with the above, is in effect saying "the project's inertia and lack of current progress means nothing much will change".