On Tue, 24 Jul 2007 12:46:24 -0400, "John Gabriele" jmg3000@gmail.com wrote:
On 7/24/07, Nick Treleaven nick.treleaven@btinternet.com wrote:
On 07/05/2007 08:15:20 PM, Enrico Tröger wrote:
On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 15:09:58 -0400, "John Gabriele" jmg3000@gmail.com wrote:
On 7/5/07, Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger@uvena.de wrote:
On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 12:47:30 -0400, "John Gabriele" jmg3000@gmail.com wrote: But we could bind Delete line or Cut line to Ctrl-K (and the other one to Ctrl-Shift-K or Ctrl-Alt-K, I don't care) and bind Go to line to Ctrl -L. What do you think?
That sounds preferable and easy to remember to me (delete line: Ctrl-K, cut line: Shift-Ctrl-K, go to line: Ctrl-L).
Ok, I'll do it tomorrow if nobody complains ;-).
I've been thinking it might be better to swap the default ctrl-k actions:
- Delete Line is more destructive than Cut Line, so having to press
shift as well makes it harder to do by accident - occasionally I don't hold down the shift key enough when doing the ctrl-shift keycombos. 2. Ctrl-k for 'K'ut line seems easier to remember.
Anyone else agree?
Yes, personally I don't really care because I use these features very very seldom (I'm used to delete or cut lines by marking them and Ctrl-X or DEL). Anyway, the point about the destructiveness of Delete line make sense to me and in most cases it should be better to cut the line instead of real deleting it (ok, there is Undo but there is also a clipboard manager on most systems).
Most often, I use Ctrl-K to gobble up some lines that I don't need. One case where this shows up is: I cut or copy something to the clipboard, navigate to where I want it, but first hit Ctrl-K or Enter a few times to tidy up a bit before hitting Ctrl-V to paste. If Ctrl-K was was cutting, I'd lose my previous selection.
In any case you still can reassign the keys.
Regards, Enrico