Hi folks,
Just a few, barely sorted notes about the newsletter I've sent a couple of minutes ago:
The intention of the newsletter is to give an overview about the most important things inside Geany universe including Plugins. Future goal is to create it on a monthly or 2-monthly period.
The newsletter has been done in team work between Russell Dickenson, Enrico and myself based on a discussion earlier this year at this list. (Thanks for this guys!)
The 1st issue has been done with LaTeX, but this maybe change in future.
The 'development' is done transparent inside a public git repository at
Please feel free to clone this and send patches :)
But patches is a good topic: We do need your input! We are trying to keep on monitoring the mailing lists and everything else what is happening inside Geany environment, but we cannot ensure we get the attention of every interesting point. So if you have something might fit, don't hesitate to write an email. For the beginning, just ping me. Maybe we will set up a new mailing list later, but this is nothing I spent much thoughts about.
Cheers, Frank