On Sun, 27 Jan 2008 23:16:54 -0500, "John Gabriele" jmg3000@gmail.com wrote:
I think that the point of having ISB (incremental search backward) is providing lightning-fast document navigation via the keyboard. But I suspect that Enrico wants the editor to be newbie-friendly too (though, I notice that the About page on the Geany site does not mention user-friendliness as a goal). So, even though some users may
Because I assumed it's a mater of course that applications with a graphical user interface (hmm, generally every application) should aim to be user-friendly. So I just didn't mention it but it is indeed a goal ;-).
only care about getting a key-binding assigned to a working ISB function, it's probably got to look nice as well for Enrico and the gang to "ok" it.
Sure better to have the feature at least as a keybinding than missing it completely.
Regards, Enrico