Thanks for your info, very interesting....
I think I did something similar, opened up one of the themes Geany installed with, then set every highlight to a different colour combination, black/yellow, black/green, brown,green, blue/yellow, red/red, pink/pink..... you get the picture 😁 This gave me a big mess of a screen, but starting with my smaller PHP and HTML files I could see what colour combo's were where and set the corresponding highlights to my desired colours, this worked a treat.
It's a work in progress though as certain files loaded into Geany show the highlights I didn't set, so chunks of solid pink or green text etc. I'll change these as and when I need them.
This is what I'm now using, medium to bright coloured text on a very dark background with a slightly modified HACK font, it's not to everyone's taste, but I like it 😉
This is my Fox.conf file, it shows here a bit wibbly wobbly due to the tab differences 😁
[theme_info] name = Fox description = Personal colour scheme for Geany compat = 1.22;1.23;1.24;1.36
[named_styles] default = white;#080808;false;false error = white;red;true;true;
# Editor Styles selection = black;#f2f2f2;false;true brace_good = lime;#080808;false;true brace_bad = black;red;true;false
caret = white;white;true;true current_line = #161616;true; indent_guide = #1e1e1e;#1e1e1e white_space = ;;
margin_line_number = #555;black;false;true margin_folding = #444 fold_symbol_highlight = white;black
marker_line = white;black marker_search = white;white marker_mark = yellow;black;false;false call_tips = pink;pink;true;true
# Programming Languages comment = blue;#080808;false;true comment_doc = black;grey comment_line = blue;#080808;true;false comment_line_doc = green;green comment_doc_keyword = blue;blue comment_doc_keyword_error = orange;orange
number = purple;purple number_1 = white;#080808;true;false number_2 = red;#080808;false;true
type = yellow;yellow class = #3DC739;#080808;false;true function = lime;#080808;false;false parameter = grey;grey
keyword = pink;pink keyword_1 = yellow;#080808;false;false keyword_2 = green;#080808;false;false keyword_3 = chocolate;grey keyword_4 = white;grey
identifier = teal;teal identifier_1 = teal; identifier_2 = red;grey identifier_3 = blue;grey identifier_4 = green;grey
string = green;white string_1 = #905010;#080808;false;true string_2 = #209000;#080808;false;true string_3 = orange;grey string_4 = yellow;grey string_eol = purple;grey
character = #209000;#080808;false;true backticks = teal;grey here_doc = navy;grey
scalar = teat;teal label = pink;grey preprocessor = teal;#080808;false;true regex = pink operator = red;#080808;false;false decorator = lime;lime other = white;#080808
# Markup Languages tag = yellow;#080808;false;false tag_unknown = black;green tag_end = tag attribute = lime;#080808;false;false attribute_unknown = black;white value = #fff;#080808;false;false entity = black;red;false;true
line_added = #399;#000;false;false line_removed = #808040;#000;false;false line_changed = #9c9;#000;false;false
On 05/10/2021 17:53, Alan Becker wrote:
Ok, Here is my config, and what I have done so far.
Environment: Linux Mint 19.3. I installed Geany and Geany-Plugins from the Software Manager, and both are version 1.32. I recognize that this is a somewhat older version, but initially this was an experiment. Later I may add the PPA repository and install the current stable release. Mint 20.3 should be released around Christmastime, and I plan to reformat and reload that release, which has Geany 1.36 in its Software Manager.
Next, I downloaded the Themes from (be sure to hit the Green button to download the .zip file). I unpacked the .zip, and copied the contents of the colorschemes directory into ~/.config/geany/colorschemes. This makes the additional themes available under View/Change Color Scheme. I then opened a variety of documents and source code files, and looked at how they appeared under different (dark) schemes. The best 3 to my eyes were Black, Vibrant, and Ralesk's MC. After more checking, particularly in the Syntax Highlighting, I settled on Ralesk's MC.
The Documentation for the Theme and color settings is described in the Manual. Look for the "Filetype definition files" section. Some settings are in the filetypes.common file, which on my system is located in /usr/share/geany/filedefs. If you decide to alter any of these settings, first copy this file to ~/.config/geany/filedefs and do the edits on that copy, rather than altering the master copy in /usr/share/geany/...
At this point I started editing and experimenting with changes to the ~/.config/geany/colorschemes/mc.conf file (I have a fresh copy elsewhere, of course). I'm not nearly done with this process yet, so I can't report any results yet, but that's where I am so far. I have succeeded in affecting , for example, the colorization of Comments, and a few other changes. But some things don't seem to work as expected - need more trials.
Regarding the command-line parameters issue, I found that clicking Build / Set Build commands, then appending the parameters to the Command field of the 1st line under Execute commands allows the parameter string to be passed to the current script, when pressing F5.
Hope this helps someone. I may post again when I am further along with the Theme work.
Alan Becker
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