On Wed, 19 Nov 2008 22:35:53 +1100, "Gordon Wrigley" gordon.wrigley@gmail.com wrote:
In a fullscreen window the symbols list fits about 50 items on screen.
I'm not sure how things are in other domains, but I'm an embedded C programmer by trade and it's not at all uncommon to see files with a couple of hundred symbols in them.
I often find myself hunting up and down the list thinking "there is a function for this, what was it called?? it had event in it's name..."
On my previous editor I hacked the symbol list plugin I was using to have a filter at the bottom of which worked ok, but the interface was never as easy to work with as the jump in xmms.
I'm not sure whether this is really necessary but this could be said about many things we already have :).
This could be done nicely by a plugin (with a few API additions) and so only those who really want it, get it.
Gordon, if you already knows C from work, what about extending your knowledge a little and do some little GTK hacking :). Writing a plugin for this could be a good start. And if you need help, just ask.
Regards, Enrico