Hi, I've updated the geany-dark themehttp://code.google.com/p/geany-dark-scheme/and the project site and done a new release. This one includes all the contributions that I've received since the last release. Changelog is as follows:
- Improved javascript support from etienne.deparis & ludwig.arne - Improved javascript in HTML support from T.Karbownicki - Added quick-and-dirty javascript support by Duncan Lock, partially based on ( http://www.barryvan.com.au/2009/01/geany-ide-tango-dark-colour-scheme/) - Improved .php support - .php (improved by s5n43K3s) - Added support for C++ - .cpp - C++ (contributed by gtk.monkey) - Added support for D - .d language files (contributed by gtk.monkey) - Added support for Haskel - .haskel (contributed by Dave.Sarman) - Added support for R stats language - .r (contributed by weibullguy)
I've also updated the documentation on the project site to reflect geany's config file changes
Cheers, Dunc