Hi John,
Yeah pandoc is a useful tool, but everytime I have used it in the past it does nearly everything not quite perfectly :-)
Here it is as html http://www.unexpected-vortices.com/temp/geany/newsletter_2.html , produced using [Pandoc] via the following command: `pandoc -s --toc -N --css=styles.css -o newsletter_2.html newsletter_2.txt` (and using bits of your geany newsletter stylesheet).
As I said, not quite the same as the original, but not bad.
Here it is as a pdf: http://www.unexpected-vortices.com/temp/geany/newsletter_2.pdf ,
Sadly this still has no toc, I see from the command below you asked for it, did you paste the right output?
produced using the following commands:
pandoc -s --toc -N --css=styles.css -o newsletter_2.tex newsletter_2.txt pdflatex newsletter_2.tex
Cheers Lex