Hello, I have been struggling with this for a couple of hours, mostly reading https://geany.org/manual/index.html#custom-filetypes to no avail, now it's time to ask for your help!
I have a rather simplistic custom filetype for Xresources files:
[styling] default=default comment=comment section=tag key=attribute assignment=operator defval=value
[lexer_properties] lexer.props.allow.initial.spaces=0
[settings] extension=xres mime_type=text/x-xres lexer_filetype=Conf wordchars=_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ01234 56789# comment_single=!
It works well enough; the only aspect where it differs from the Conf filetype is that comments start with a '!', not with a '#'. This works well enough, but not with #include directives that are also valid Xresources syntax. How can I tell geany to see _only_ lines starting with '!' as comments? Currently it treats lines starting with '!' and '#' both as comments.
Additional bonus: customised syntax highlighting for #include directives. Example: #include </path/to/includes/X.xres>
Thanks for a great lightweight IDE!