before submitting "official" feature requests I thought someone could
comment some points (or maybe this *is* a feature request). Just my
personal notes approaching geany after years of kate and vim. I hope
I'll have the time (in months) to download geany source and take a
look inside, maybe submitting a patch or something.
* line wrapping: changing the options in settings changes the default
from now on, if I already have tens of files opened without the option
enabled there is no way to set line wrapping for every doc, right? I
had to edit the project file, select the lines of opened files and
(with vim): " :'<,'>s/0;\//1;\//g ". So, the request is: some way to
toggle line wrapping for every already opened document?
* is it easy to implement a "reload all" function (useful especially
when working with a versioning system and multiple files change)?
* why don't you use a standard tag format (e.g. exubertant-ctags)?
there could be plenty of tags ready to use, made with a more flexible
* maybe an "import project" function would be useful, scanning a
directory (recursively?) and opening/adding to project every listed
* a "project" in geany is just a session, am I right? Is there any way
to have a project with many files while having just a subset open?
* it is a bit awkward to disable localization by setting and env
variable; means creating a script and changing e.g. system menu links.
Localization should be easily deactivable, especially when a language
is not completely translated (or a bit inaccurate)
* a predefined context action for a file or selection could be sending
the text to a pastebin; there are scripts that do it automatically for
sprunge (maybe also for pastebin), i.e. "$ filename > sprunge"
* "go to next error" doesn't always work. Unfortunately I didn't write
down the case in which this didn't worked :( If it happens again, I'll
submit a proper communication
* in filetype_extensions.conf, both C and C++ have .h extension; in a
project with both C and C++ files, geany was not able to recognize
which header was a c++ header and which one was a C header. Maybe one
could check the extension of a file with the same name? (i.e. if there
is a fname.cpp, fname.h must be C++ too, etc.)
* it would be nice to have a function that switches to the
correspondent header file, opened or not (opening a new tab in case is
Thanks... I hope I'm not too wrong.