Hi, if I recall correctly there's a way to ban a domain name from posting to the list. More info here: http://wiki.list.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=4030555
2012/6/20 geany-i18n@uvena.de
Countries of interest: UK, Rep. of Ireland, Germany, Austria, Sweden
A company concerning itself with the advertising, spearheading, and production of web media projects, we also are involved with today's green technology, recyclable items, and alternate methods of power and are actively seeking a motivated representative from one of the countries mentioned.
- You need to be the proprietor of a company or willing to start a fresh
company fairly fast.
- It is required that you are a citizen of a listed country.
- It is also necessary to hold a completion certificate from a reputable
school of higher education.
- Your English accuracy must be pretty good as communicating back and
forth for this position is important.
- A long period of good standing with a nearby or international financial
entity is a definite bonus.
- Work amount will consist of 3-4 hours every day for the first two months
of working and after that period of time, 2-3 hours every day.
- Contract of work between us will be one year, with a good chance of this
period extending on as long as 2 years.
Your main job will detail handling receivables from sales.
Amount of pay you will receive is a percentage of the amount of product we sell.
Our contacts: Tommie@ukconsultantsnet.com _______________________________________________ Geany-i18n mailing list Geany-i18n@uvena.de https://lists.uvena.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/geany-i18n