Hi, I translated geany-plugins to Simplified Chinese with many questions. 1) Line 365, "Using a bigger hammer!", what does it mean? 2) Line 439, 448, I can't understand " Break after " and" Break when ", could you give me an example(full sentence)? 3) Line 667, "Debugging of core files id not supported", maybe the programmer's mistake? I think it should be "Debugging of core files *is* not supported". If not, I will edit my translation. 4) Line 1703, "_Mail document", the "Mail" is none or verb? 5) Line 568, "%s:%s", is that time or something else? 6) Line 1034, maybe a mistake, "classhave" should be "class have". 7) Line 1588, what is "dummy text" mean? 8) Line 996, there are too many tabs, is it just in order to format well? 9) Line 1915, "_Blame", what does it mean? 10) Line 156, 160, "Header extensions" and "Implementations extensions", they means what? Sorry, it takes you a long time. Thank you!
Regards, Xhacker Liu
On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 08:53:53 +0800 Xhacker Liu liu.dongyuan@gmail.com wrote:
I translated geany-plugins to Simplified Chinese
Uploaded to svn with svn r1042. I may will need to reupload it as my working copy was not in synch with last checkout, but this is something I will solve on my own ;)
with many questions.
This I will leave to somebody else who is more familar with geanydbg plugin ;)
Its used a verb here.
Again geanydbg ;)
Sorry, cannot find this string.
This is refering to creation of some text without any sense to show, whether e.g. the design of a webpage is appearing correct. So called Lorem Ipsum. Dummy text here means something like placeholder.
Yes. Should be changed by me.
Blame is a function of e.g. git or svn which shows, which line of a file was last modified with which commit by which user. A other word for could be annontate which is used on cvs.
Sorry, I cannot say for sure at the moment. But I think its refering to extension a header file have. So e.g. for C++ whether its .H or .hpp.
Hope I ws able to help out a bit.
Thanks, Frank
Thank you for your answers!
6) "classeshave", I think it should be "classes have".
I'm looking forward to get the other questions' answer, and I will edit the translation later.
2009/10/30 Frank Lanitz frank@frank.uvena.de
This I will leave to somebody else who is more familar with geanydbg plugin ;)
-- Welcome to my blog: http://xhacker.shiyiquan.cn/
On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 18:37:21 +0800 Xhacker Liu liu.dongyuan@gmail.com wrote:
Ahh. You are right in both: I was able to find classeshave as well this is a typo.
Thanks for reporting and unfortunately its one of my plugins :(
Thanks, Frank
Am Freitag, den 30.10.2009, 10:30 +0100 schrieb Frank Lanitz:
Hi, for those strings which affect GeanyGDB: these strings are some which wouldn't be seen very often, so don't do too much effort into this. They maybe also need some optimisation themselves. I'll write this issue to my TODO list to check those strings and then give you an explanation as soon as I did this.
Thanks very much for your translation work!
Regards, Dominic
Am Sonntag, den 01.11.2009, 22:05 +0100 schrieb Dominic Hopf:
Sorry for my late response concerning this issue. I unfortunately still didn't found time or muse to have a look at this issue. Shame on me for that. Also, I think there will be other essential changes in 2010 to GeanyGDB like the one from Radu I committed today. To avoid investing redundant efforts into the translation of GeanyGDB, I'd recommend to wait until we (the GeanyGDB contributors) decide to do some kind of feature freeze for the next Geany Plugins release. I will announce this on the development and translation mailing lists so that everyone will have enough time to do works like translating and so on.
Thanks very much again to any GeanyGDB translator!
Regards, Dominic