Hi, I just finished the Spanish translation. I do have some doubts about the context of some strings.
Will there be a pre-release binary for Windows or Linux so we can check the translations in context? I have no possibility of setting up an environment for compiling it myself.
Cheers, -- Lucas Vieites lucasvieites@gmail.com http://blog.codexion.com http://www.linkedin.com/in/lucasvieites
2013/2/24 Frank Lanitz frank@frank.uvena.de
Am 24.02.2013 02:21, schrieb masami chikahiro:
New ja.po is here!
- Add new translation
- Replace from comma and period to Japanese punctuation mark.
Thank you very much. I'Ve updated the git repository with file.
Cheers, Frank
I18n mailing list I18n@lists.geany.org https://lists.geany.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/i18n