Am Samstag, den 10.04.2010, 19:11 +0200 schrieb Frank Lanitz:
On Sat, 10 Apr 2010 13:20:02 +0200 "Jože Klepec" wrote:
things look great. To do them, we need just a little push.
*Push* ;)
I plan to do Slovenian as I wrote help in next month as I have some other things to do.
OK. Great. So we have a project with translating manual to Slovenian, Spanish and as I cannot say 'no' at this moment, also to German langauage withint the next weeks / month.
But I'm not sure at the moment how to do this at best. Currently I can think of using a wiki or a git repo to work on the translations on the first hand, but also keep the basis version ( = the English one) up to date as I suggest to start working with 0.19 devel version of it. What do you think about?
At present the manual is the text file geany.txt if I see this right? Why not just create files geany-es.txt, geany-de.txt and so on? Writing in reST shouldn't be a problem for the translators, is it? When using the current geany.txt as basis, you would just have to change the text and save it as geany-cc.txt (where cc is your countrycode).
Maybe the current geany.txt could be renamed to geany-en.txt so that the geany.txt will be the index-file you were talking about.
Translators could just begin to write their geany-cc.txt and send it to Frank or this list, and when something changes on the files, send a patch accordingly. This is how translations for Geany works at present and I don't think it's necessary to change it much, unless Frank feels too stressed with applying patches. :)
Best Regards, Dominic