On 05/06/15 14:05, Colomban Wendling wrote:
Le 05/06/2015 02:12, Matthew Brush a écrit :
I've also heard good things about Transifex when working on XFCE stuff.
The only "bad" part I observed there is the commit logs get jammed with generic, auto-generated commits/messages, hiding all the code changes. I don't know if this would be the case for Geany as it probably has more code-related changes and less translation changes than the project I have experienced this with.
BTW, I'd rather see such an automated system perform PRs than direct committing. Basically I don't really trust automated systems to commit to a repository [1] :)
Though, indeed having a system simplifying the translator's work is probably great.
Full ACK. As Matthew mentioned, the Xfce project is using Transifex for years and as far as I know, without bigger problems. I'm pretty much sure such a system would help the Geany project as well as it will be much easier for translators to contribute.
[1] what if the thing has a security issue that leads for anyone to be able to commit anything? or things like that? I know we trust Git and GitHub here, but they seem more trustworthy security-wise than a translation webapp :)
Very good point. A quick internet search didn't reveal much about Transifex being able to create pull requests, though. But Transifex seems to be able to work with branches. Maybe we could set up a i18n branch to which Transifex pushes directly and Frank or whoever else wants to, merges or cherry-picks from this branch to master on demand. The reverse merge from master to the i18n branch can be automated, probably. I have no idea if this could work reliably in production, so far it's just an idea :).
Regards, Enrico