I just built Geany on ArchLinux from the official PKGBUILD and the Pos and Style strings are not included in the statusbar. This is obvious, because Geany is not built with debug support by the ArchLinux PKGBUILD.
Sorry, either you are talking about the GIT Geany ArchLinux package (which is built with debug support because it is the GIT version) or you made something wrong :(.
looks like i all life used git version and not archlinux:) but still better too much translated, then too less. i translated geany from 0, so from translator point of view can say: it's not hard to translate few additional strings.
So it's up to Frank to keep his commit or revert it.
Votes have been made :).
@Frank: in case you don't decide to revert it, you probably should run make update-po again to provide up2date message catalogues to the translators.
Regards, Enrico