On Sun, 11 Apr 2010 01:02:45 +0200, Dominic wrote:
Am Samstag, den 10.04.2010, 19:11 +0200 schrieb Frank Lanitz:
On Sat, 10 Apr 2010 13:20:02 +0200 "Jože Klepec" joze.klepec@siol.net wrote:
things look great. To do them, we need just a little push.
*Push* ;)
I plan to do Slovenian as I wrote help in next month as I have some other things to do.
OK. Great. So we have a project with translating manual to Slovenian, Spanish and as I cannot say 'no' at this moment, also to German langauage withint the next weeks / month.
But I'm not sure at the moment how to do this at best. Currently I can think of using a wiki or a git repo to work on the translations on the first hand, but also keep the basis version ( = the English one) up to date as I suggest to start working with 0.19 devel version of it. What do you think about?
At present the manual is the text file geany.txt if I see this right? Why not just create files geany-es.txt, geany-de.txt and so on? Writing in reST shouldn't be a problem for the translators, is it? When using the current geany.txt as basis, you would just have to change the text and save it as geany-cc.txt (where cc is your countrycode).
This would be the easiest way. Though it might be not that easy for translators to keep their translations up2date. The geany.txt in SVN changes from time to time when we add/change things. Not sure how busy translators would be keeping their copies up2date. This is way easier for normal translations of code as msgfmt and intltool manage the changes and merge them into the translations. Though, for a whole documentation this won't work and that's why I never considered it a good idea to translate documentation. Not that it wouldn't be useful but the risk of outdated or inconsistent translations is too high if translators loose interest, time or whatever to keep it up2date.
Maybe the current geany.txt could be renamed to geany-en.txt so that the geany.txt will be the index-file you were talking about.
I don't see any reason why and so I'd rather keep the "original", English version at geany.txt. I didn't get the whole "index file" thing. Are you talking about webservers?
Translators could just begin to write their geany-cc.txt and send it to Frank or this list, and when something changes on the files, send a patch accordingly. This is how translations for Geany works at present and I don't think it's necessary to change it much, unless Frank feels too stressed with applying patches. :)
I fully agree here.
Regards, Enrico