Hi again, [...]
At present the manual is the text file geany.txt if I see this right?
AT least the basis of all, yes.
If I understand correctly, the html file is generated from this txt file at some point?
Why not just create files geany-es.txt, geany-de.txt and so on? Writing in reST shouldn't be a problem for the translators, is it? When using the current geany.txt as basis, you would just have to change the text and save it as geany-cc.txt (where cc is your countrycode).
Yes, I think this would be a goal of the project.
Maybe the current geany.txt could be renamed to geany-en.txt so that the geany.txt will be the index-file you were talking about.
I disagree. I'd prefer something similar to LANG=C also for translations to make clear, which is the "main" translation, the fallback one.
Translators could just begin to write their geany-cc.txt and send it to Frank or this list, and when something changes on the files, send a patch accordingly. This is how translations for Geany works at present and I don't think it's necessary to change it much, unless Frank feels too stressed with applying patches. :)
Basically, you are right. Unfortunately without any support tools or support process I'm afraid translators might losing some changes inside English translation to port which might can cause conflicts inside documentation.
As I explained (hopefully clearly) in a previous message, this is no problem when using software that supports translation memories. I will be glad to create a small document showing how to use such software (there are several open-source alternatives available).
Cheers, Frank -- http://frank.uvena.de/en/