On Sun, 12 Feb 2012 11:18:36 +0400 Eugene Arshinov earshinov@gmail.com wrote:
- Command line option to bring Geany to front - ID: 2276179 [2]
Seems that some actions were performed to fix the bug, but the report's author didn't have time to check it. Maybe, as a long time has passed since 2009, the bug report can be closed? BTW, what is described in the report, works fine for me (Geany is brought to front).
Enrico replied to this report in 2009, too.
From the discussion, it looks like Enrico fixed this... As of opening
Geany per-desktop, the manual contains an example (search for xprop).
- "geany xyz.txt" does not load files from session - ID: 2838686 [3]
Here it wasn't decided whether of not Geany should restore session. I suggest we discuss this question and finally either fix the bug or mark it as WONTFIX.
A long time ago I added to the Preferences dialog a checkbox that controlled the behaviour. This was done in the sm branch. If it's decided that a graphical preference is needed, I can extract code from there and make a pull request.
That was discussed before, for example "Proposed patch to fix issues with command line file loading", and weltall even sent a patch [1] for graphical preference. Outdated, of course, since it's a year old, and Geany uses GtkBuilder now...
If we're going to finally implement this feature (and several people requested it), I suggest that we apply #3312654 [2] first. The current load_startup_files() is a bit of a mess, and becomes worse with the new preference.
The thuth to be said, I had enough discussion on default session loading CL files specified. Let's vote and decide it, shall we?..
[1] http://lists.uvena.de/pipermail/geany-devel/2011-January/003818.html [2] http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3312654&group_id=153...