On 10/03/17 01:01, Lex Trotman wrote:
On 10 March 2017 at 07:14, Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger@uvena.de wrote:
On 09/03/17 14:56, Frank Lanitz wrote:
Currently we have apart of the git list itself two places where we have added contributors in past, but which look quiet orphaned nowadays:
The contributors-dialog on Geany->Help:
and the THANKS-file inside / of the source tree:
As we got a huge amount of contributors¹ all should get their kudos and now I'm wondering how we can go on in future with it. There are contributors for translations, code, documentation, community things like support, donations (money) etc.
And, as Jiri said, keep a few names manually maintained like those who didn't contributed code/translations directly via GIT or in pre-GIT times.
And non-git like bug reporters and feature suggesters, and testers and packagers and ...
Yes, absolutely. We could fill the THANKS file from GIT history, merged PRs, closed issues and so get already many people to credit. Furthermore, we still need to manually maintain a list of people who contributed in at least one of the following ways: - mailing list (patches, requests, ideas, discussions, ...) - old pre-GIT contributions - any other input we received and want to credit which is not visible on Github
I think the overhead of the manual editing is not that high and with auto-generating the majority of the list we can ensure to not easily forget someone.
Of course, the list is getting huge then but IMO that's better than not listing anyone.
Furthermore, I'd vote for *not* listing email addresses of contributors in the THANKS file as they tend to get obsolete and make it email address harvesters too easy to find the addresses.
Regards, Enrico