On 13-10-10 04:43 PM, Colomban Wendling wrote:
Le 11/10/2013 01:24, Yosef Or Boczko a écrit :
Hi all,
Hi. I won't be much available this WE so I'm dropping a quick reply.
I think is good idea to make the UI more clean and modern.
For this we need to port the images in the toolbar to symbol icons.
Why would it be more "clean" and "modern"? OK, GTK guys seem to think that having a non-uniform desktop experience by dropping one of the greatest features GTK had (stock items) is a good idea, so we probably
s/GTK guys/a GNOME designer/
What's more, it's not just "stock items" affected, if you look at the Git log, it's actually about 25-50 different incidental APIs that got deprecated by him without any prior public/open discussion or thoughtfulness on the amount of work, breakage and crappy code that it would introduce, or the fact that most GTK+[1] applications are not part of the GNOME project.
</gnome rant>
Cheers, Matthew Brush
[1]: GTK = GIMP Toolkit = GNU Image Manipulation Program Toolkit, *not* GNOME Toolkit as the GNOME design team seems to think :(