On 19/02/12 16:49, Colomban Wendling wrote:
Le 19/02/2012 16:42, Enrico Tröger a écrit :
Hey guys,
- Incorrect indentation guides - ID: 2637071 [1]
I opened the attached document and did not see any issues with indentation guides. I could miss something because I rarely use the guies, but... Maybe it was already fixed in Scintilla?
Enrico replied to this report in 2009.
I think this bug is still present if I understand it correctly. The attached file causes indentation guides to be shown on the blank line that has no indentation at all.
I can't reproduce it here, see attached screenshot. Maybe it's related to some preferences set?
I think you just don't have indent guides enabled ;)
Ah, stupid me. I confused indentation guides with 'show whitespace'.
Now, I looked a bit deeper into it and the behaviour is correct for the mode SC_IV_LOOKBOTH which we use for most filetypes (including C), according to the Scintilla documentation:
"Indentation guides are shown beyond the actual indentation up to the level of the next non-empty line or previous non-empty line whichever is the greater."
And now, I also understand my comment on the bug report again :). Though I could have said this in more detail. Now done and closed.
If anyone disagrees, just re-open it and put some more info in. If it's a real issue still, one could make the used indentation guide configurable per language. Since I don't use, I don't feel like doing it is necessary but that's just me.
Regards, Enrico