On Fri, 11 Oct 2013 02:14:59 +0200 Yosef Or Boczko yoseforb@gmail.com wrote:
The icons in Stock is icons in some sizes, not SVG.
GTK_ICON_SIZE_* do not specify any hardcoded pixel sizes. You can patch Geany with GTK_ICON_LOOKUP_FORCE_SVG, if you want.
The symbolic icons is SVG, better polished.
A common misconception. An SVG icon in today's 100-120 DPI displays may look better, or worse. Google for "TTF hinting", and consider that there is *no* hinting for SVG.
If the vector icons were always better, PNG-s in specific sizes would have been deleted long time ago.
Note: also for the symbolic icons have a themes.
The stock icons are entirely theme dependent.
As I sad: „The icons in the menus and in the buttons in the dialogs isn't add any information. I not think the 'OK' icon is add information there isn't in the string „Save”.”
You cite yourself as if your personal opinion is somehow more valuable than anyone else's opinion.
GTK+ 2.24.0 released in 2011, soon we are in 2014.
Debian stable + testing:
Packages dependent on GTK+ 2.24: 1930. Packages dependent on GTK+ 3.8: 676.
Also the widgets with image in a menu is deprecated (GtkImageMenuItem, for example), and also the function to create a buttons with Stock item is deprecated (gtk_button_new_from_stock() and gtk_image_new_from_stock() for example).
What's next, no menus and window titles because of the mobile devices? If Debian starts forcing this stupid crap, I'm switching to KDE.