Sorry that I just ditch in, I just want to point something out from a user pov.
Lex Trotman schrieb:
- from user preference (geany.conf)
As soon as there is more than one file in the program, the run command is usually no longer dependent on the file, you usually want to run the main program. You don't want to have to always switch back to the "main" file before selecting run, so the command needs to be able to be set somewhere that is file independent
I disagree with that. That's what a project/session is for. If there's no project open, it should be document-sensitive/filetype-sensitive (unfortunately that's not entirely the same).
To me, there's no such thing as a "main file" if I have various random files open. I use project if I'm to lazy for switching files and the run command is the same.
For me a project is a collection of related files. I don't have a bunch of open files open and want the same run command for all if I do not have a project open.
Well it *should* still "just work" by default, the only problem you've got is that the configure dialog edits 3 not 2 and the more we talk about it the more obvious it is that there is a need to choose which one to edit rather than having it fixed (whichever way we fix it it will always be wrong for someone).
The combobox I described above would choose to edit 2 or 3 in the build menu "set build commands" dialog and 4 or 5 in the project dialog "build" tab.
I don't see a need for a checkbox here. a) use global run command per project, or b) filetype specific commands.
I agree with Enrico here. I stumbled on this quite a bit times already. Something just overrode my html run command (i.e. open in in a browser). I needed to change it back for no apparent reason (I had no project open).
Best regards.