here is a new patch, with a better support for most of the syntax. The main problem (which can be also found in the Markdown lexer), is when using symbols similar to the one used for --strike-- for example, it will interfere with the rest of the document. At least the coloration shouldn't last after the end of the current line, but I didn't manage to get it this way.
On Sat, 19 Jun 2010 22:15:21 +0000 (GMT) Forgeot Eric wrote:
here is a new patch, with a better support for most of the syntax. The main problem (which can be also found in the Markdown lexer), is when using symbols similar to the one used for --strike-- for example, it will interfere with the rest of the document. At least the coloration shouldn't last after the end of the current line, but I didn't manage to get it this way.
Did you already get in contact with the Scintilla team as beside the issue your Lexxer would be also a nice one to be included into Scintilla itself.
Cheers, Frank