On Thu, 9 Oct 2008 23:43:16 +1100, "Lex Trotman" elextr@gmail.com wrote:
What I will do over the next few days is to write a proposed Build System section for the manual which can be discussed, agreed and act as a specification.
As promised, attached is a Geany.html with my first cut at documenting the proposed changes to the build system. To help you find the changes which are in several places I have attached an OpenOffice document version of the geany.txt file with changes marked using writers change marking facility. You may want to mark this up further with your comments so we can keep track.
Maybe it's just me but working through OpenOffice is not a good option. OpenOffice is a big suite of software and many people using
Full ACK.
and developing Geany don't have it installed. For discussing changes I would prefer we did it on the ML.
Could you send the geany.txt file so I can diff it?
Ok,I was just looking for a way of making changes visible easily, personally I have trouble reading diffs of any substantial size.
It's just a matter of training :).
No problem, we can each use our own method for finding the changes and exchange the .txt file, attached. Once we get over the hurdle of this first set of changes we can also discuss individual items in the ML without the whole .txt file but the initial changes were IMO too big to just put the diffs here.
And what about moving this discussion to geany-devel?
Regards, Enrico
2008/10/9 Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger@uvena.de
On Thu, 9 Oct 2008 23:43:16 +1100, "Lex Trotman" elextr@gmail.com wrote:
What I will do over the next few days is to write a proposed Build System section for the manual which can be discussed, agreed and act as a specification.
As promised, attached is a Geany.html with my first cut at documenting the proposed changes to the build system. To help you find the changes which are in several places I have attached an OpenOffice document version of the geany.txt file with changes marked using writers change marking facility. You may want to mark this up further with your comments so we can keep track.
Maybe it's just me but working through OpenOffice is not a good option. OpenOffice is a big suite of software and many people using
Full ACK.
and developing Geany don't have it installed. For discussing changes I would prefer we did it on the ML.
Could you send the geany.txt file so I can diff it?
Ok,I was just looking for a way of making changes visible easily, personally I have trouble reading diffs of any substantial size.
It's just a matter of training :).
Well ummm, since I havn't learned it after 30+ years software development I figured my brain isn't wired that way & went looking for tools to support me (novel thought, computers helping people ;-)
No problem, we can each use our own method for finding the changes and exchange the .txt file, attached. Once we get over the hurdle of this first set of changes we can also discuss individual items in the ML without the whole .txt file but the initial changes were IMO too big to just put the diffs here.
And what about moving this discussion to geany-devel?
Ok, subscribed, looking forward to comments on the doc.
My sf.net username is elextr
Regards Lex
Regards, Enrico
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