I'm trying to set a breakpoint as a marker in Geany, I'm studying the mecanism of using the notification SCN_MARGINCLICK of scintilla to be able to set a breakpoint whenever the user clicks into the margin. But I don't know how to use the notification and SCNotification. Could anyone give me an example of using it? I use C and GTK.
Thank you very much
On Sun, 18 Apr 2010 02:29:51 +0200, Lai wrote:
I'm trying to set a breakpoint as a marker in Geany, I'm studying the mecanism of using the notification SCN_MARGINCLICK of scintilla to be able to set a breakpoint whenever the user clicks into the margin. But I don't know how to use the notification and SCNotification. Could anyone give me an example of using it? I use C and GTK.
have a look at src/editor.c's on_margin_click() function where exactly this case is handled.
And as you probably trying to do this for adding some debugging features, consider using the geanygdb plugin as this already does add debugging features to Geany and probably can be easily extended with this functionality.
Regards, Enrico