I don`t think that names have to be translated, what if someone`s name is "Bobby Sixkiller"
I think some of developers mark names as translatable because theire names sounds differents, is shown differents in some languages (in cyrilic, mandarin,...). But to be honest, i don`t think that the names are the most important think, if code works i think that this is enough. Cheers! ________________________________ I should have copy and pasted the truth.
-------- Оригинално писмо --------
От: Frank Lanitz frank@frank.uvena.de
Относно: [Geany-devel] POLL: Mark developers names on plugins translateable Yes/No
До: geany-i18n@uvena.de, geany-devel@uvena.de
Изпратено на: Понеделник, 2010, Декември 27 02:30:38 EET
Hi folks,
During review of German translation of Geany-Plugins I found a number
of author's names marked as translatable. I don't see any big reason
for doing this as most likely (and from my current point of view in all
cases) it's just a copy & paste task when doing the translation.
Therefor I suggest to don't mark author's names as a translatable at
all. What do you think about?