On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 20:58:28 +0200 Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger@uvena.de wrote:
- special auto-completion when using Ctrl-Space which contains not
only known symbols, but also all matching words of the current document, if enabled
- special '.' / '->' auto-completions
I didn't know about this, so not in patch, hows it work?
Maybe Nick can give some more detailed words about this.
This is scope completion, e.g.: struct { int i; char c; } foo;
When you type 'foo.' it will show an autocompletion list with 'i' and 'c' symbols.
It only works for languages that set parent scope names e.g. for struct members. Currently this means C-like languages IIRC. Also the C tag parser only parses global scopes, so it's not as useful as it sounds because usually the struct or object is declared in local scope.
Regards, Nick