dont suppose we will see geanypy in this release will we ?
On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 1:22 PM, Frank Lanitz wrote:
Hi plugin-maintainers and friends of developing for Geany,
We are currently planning a new release for Geany as well as for Geany-Plugins. For the first time we are targetting release of Geany-Plugins at the same time of Geany so users can make usage of plugins right after they have updated their Geany version.
In preparation for this I'd like to ask you to only fix issues and review strings inside your plugins starting by tomorrow (Feb 18th) so we can string freeze and start with translation work by upcoming weekend. This is the plan for geany-plugins-project:
February 18th: Feature freeze. No new things until release -- just string fixes and bug fixes
February 23th: String freeze. No string changes until release as well as only bug fixes.
March 10th: Release.
And of course all the time until release: testing, testing, testing ;) Let's make it a real good plugins release.
Cheers, Frank
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