I'm seeking ideas/advice for how I can implement keybindings for Python plugins[1]. Since `geany_plugin` will be the same for all Python plugins, I don't think I could use the regular way. I wouldn't want every Python plugin's keybindings showing up under the same 'GeanyPy' group.
I tried with a gtk.AccelGroup() on the geany.main_widgets.window from Python/PyGTK, but Geany seems to block most keybindings doing it that way. I really don't know much about this either.
I'm at the design state right now, so if anyone has any ideas for how I should implement this, using either Geany's plugin API, PyGTK directly, or something else I don't know about, I'd much appreciate hearing them.
I'm kinda at a loss here.
[1] https://github.com/codebrainz/geanypy
Cheers, Matthew Brush