Am 29.03.2015 um 05:20 schrieb Lex Trotman:
Thanks for that, it now makes it clearer where you are going, and allows the individual steps to make more sense.
I agree with your four problems (shortened):
- linkage
- keybindings
- plugin context
- allow for proxies
My concern is that the solutions seem complex, though, having followed your attempts over time to address these issues, I do understand that some of the "simple" options don't actually cut it.
Will need to think on it further.
Which of these steps seem complex to you in particular? Perhaps I can explain more detail on those to make things clearer for you. For me, none of these is really that complex, both in terms of conceptual complexity and lines of code changed. The most complex is probably the pluxy part, but still not really complex IMO (it's just a bit of refactoring of the internal load/unload functions functions and an API that allows plugins to add such functions for some filetypes). If anything, complexity is added by maintaining backward compatibility.
My current roadmap is such that it requires the least amount of changes to Geany core while still enabling libpeas-based and other non-C plugins to co-exist with standard plugins and not be second class citizens.
Other simple options (that provide a solution for the above, i.e. not current geanypy) don't exist. In fact, the other solution I have tried brought significant changes to Geany core to support libpeas-plugins directly in the core. Simple isn't always best too, we should strive to make all of this effort future proof but at the same time maintain backward compatibility.
Best regards.