Am Samstag, den 10.04.2010, 11:37 +0300 schrieb Enzo Matrix:
Hello all,
i want to share one my ide about geany interface layout and if somebody be interests about it.
"Append toolbar to menu" is really nice option but i think that my idea can provide additional minimalism, the idea is simple, the toolbar can be moved in right of sidebar in top of the editor sheet in the same level as the tabs of the sidebar and adding one more combobox for current open files (this will recover tabs).
I actually like the idea, but would suggest some small improvements to it: It always should be possible for the user to decide if he enables or disables features. So disabling of the document tabs should be optional - as it currently is in Geany, see the Interface-tab in the pref-dialog.
I'd consider the dropdown-menu in the toolbar as an additional feature which should be optional too (It actually already is, regarding that the toolbar is configurable). Thus, one can disable the document tabs if he wants, and enable the dropdown-menu if he wants. The result would be your suggestion. But if I want to have both, that also would be possible as well as if one would like to stay just with the document tabs.
For the idea with the sidebar taking more vertical space: We should think of users with small screen widths and many icons in the toolbar. They maybe wouldn't be visible all at a time. Well, the toolbar is configurable and anytime should be. So the sidebar layout should be configurable for the user too, either in the pref-dialog or as a hidden pref.
Best Regards, Dominic