Frank Lanitz a écrit :
Hi (Plugin)-developer,
On Sat, 15 May 2010 12:05:27 +0200 Frank Lanitz frank@frank.uvena.de wrote:
On Sat, 15 May 2010 10:12:21 +0800 Chow Loong Jin hyperair@ubuntu.com wrote:
Hi geany-plugins developers,
As Geany 0.19 is getting prepped up for release, let us do the same for geany-plugins 0.19 to synchronize our release with Geany 0.19, starting with a string freeze on 22nd May, so translators may finish up translating before the release on the first weekend of June.
Based on this, I'd like to ask all developers of plugins to commit all new features are fixes that might could change a string. If you not will able to finish your work, please let us now so we can find some suitable solution.
I'm planning to do the string freeze at Sunday upcoming weekend. Please commit all string related changes by tomorrow and let me know if you see any issue on holding the deadline.
My GeanyGenDoc plugin [1][2] should now be ready to be used [3], and I'd like to include it in the upcoming Geany-Plugins release. But before moving my code into geany-plugins I would check if it is a problem to add new strings (there are not a lot but still) this close to a release?
And I did a review of my strings (haha, cleaned up some), but if somebody could pass behind it'd probably be a good thing for those strings -- I'm not native English speaker and unfortunately I often do syntactic mistakes... thanks for anyone that take the time!
Anyway, if it isn't a problem if I move my plugin into geany-plugins, I'd do it ASAP, think tonight or tomorrow, depending on your responses :)
Best regards, Colomban
[1] http://lists.uvena.de/pipermail/geany-devel/2010-April/002126.html [2] https://geany-plugins.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/geany-plugins/trunk/geanyg... [3] Even though I'm probably the only one that tested and used it, but it should at least be pretty robust, and hopefully useful and quite easy to use.