I have a suggestion regarding color schemes/filetype definitions.
Currently, filetype definitions (keywords, compile-commands, ...) and syntax highlighting color schemes aren't separate, it's one file.
This results in problems:
1. if you update filetype defs, there are still lots of old defs going around on the Net (included in custom color schemes) 2. if you switch the color scheme, you lose filetype settings (compile-commands, ...) 3. creating new color schemes is very time-wasting and annoying, because you will do a lot of copy and paste. (to be extended)
My suggestion is: Separate filetype definitions and color schemes. For example, think of two directories, "colorschemes" and "filedefs". A filedef file contains stuff like a keyword list and so on. A color scheme file contains nothing more but kinda keyword-type-color-assignment, such as
primary = #somecolor
Furthermore I would implement something like inheritance, escpecially for filedefs. Let me explain what I mean by 'inheritance' in that case:
You have default filedefs in /usr/share/geany/fildefs (or whatever). If a custom filedef is given in .config/geany/filedefs (or whatever), all 'keys' given in that custom file will be overriden. Advantage of this is: The custom files don't have to be a 1:1 copy, but only some kind of 'override-file'.
Advantage of this is: You can have custom settings for example for compile commands, but still can go with the current up-to-date keyword list (delivered with Geany).
What do you think?
Regards, Jonas