On Mon, 02 Nov 2009 21:29:40 +0100 Dominic Hopf dmaphy@googlemail.com wrote:
AFAICT these changes don't seem to be in the 0.18 release: http://geany-plugins.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/geany-plugins/branches/geany...
Thanks Frank. Concerning to this link the changes definitely are in Geany-Plugins 0.18. The last change I made concerning the mentioned issues above was revision 916. The branch was created from 929. So everything should be fine. :)
OK, but there were no changes since 0.17.1, right?
Since the 0.17.1 release got tagged in revision 863 (at least if [1] is right) the above mentioned changes actually are changes between 0.17.1 and 0.18. Seems I've really missed to mention those changes somewhere else? :s
I may be being dumb, but I can't find these changes in the 0.18 release.
The 0.18 branch IIUC was not created from trunk, but just copied from the 0.17.1 tag.
Regards, Nick