Ping :).
yep...yep :D I was drawn away by something else for a while....
Sorry, I didn't mean to hurry you up or to request anything. Just a status update :).
don't worry, i didn't takek it as such :D
I'm progressing slowly...I have added an entry gchar* to the GeanyLexerStyle hold a font name... i'm studying how it propagates, how the structure is used by different
Oh, I though you already have that part written as your screenshots looked like it was working already. Sorry.
yes i have it working...and use it on a daily basis for my work ...but just because I hard-coded my font choice in set_sci_style... and left the untouched for now.... hackish, but just wanted to find out if it was possible in some way at that time....
functions...i'm facing pointer pbs, font name does not propagate properly through functions...
If you need help for a specific problem, just ask.'s probably silly, as i'm not an experienced C programmer...and didn't spend a lot of time on it... but as I told you, I expanded the GeanyLexerStyle structure....
in get_keyfile_style and get_key_file_hex my adds to the are properly read... and when i print out my new element of the struct it's either null or the fontname I've just entered in the file....
but when i try to access my new entry in a another function (such as set_sci_style), it has been obviously been written over by something else.... i'm sure it's something obvious as when I replace the new entry gchar* fontname by gint font_size.... (and so expecting font size dto be declared instead of a font name) then i got it working as intended... I could just add a number after the italic boolean entry in and it would be picked up as a font size, and transmitted through set_sci_style....
but for example, if I use the change font option in the menu of geany, it's breaking this's good enough for my use...but not for public release.... if you have a hint for me... :D
Ah, that's a problem. Maybe we should add highlighting_set_font() or something which is called by editor_set_font() which then sets the passed font only if there is no font specified for a specific style. This problem only exists because I never expected we need to use different fonts per style.
I'll look into's not a real nuisance as it is anyway....
Regards, Enrico
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