On 10/31/2011 06:45 AM, Frank Lanitz wrote:
On Mon, 31 Oct 2011 06:29:36 -0700 Matthew Brushmbrush@codebrainz.ca wrote:
On 11-10-31 05:00 AM, Nick Treleaven wrote:
On 25/10/2011 00:33, Lex Trotman wrote:
If we go back to individual commit mails with diffs, is there anyway to limit how many individual messages get sent out at once and how many lines can be in a diff? Ex. if we merge the gtkbuilder branch at some point, is there anyway to prevent from flooding the list with all those commit mails but to send individual ones for regular 2 or 3 commits in a row?
I'm not sure we would see a flood on a merge, probably only one commit saying 'merged gtkbuilder branch'? The gtkbuilder commits should appear as they are committed, not on merge.
I think when you merge it makes all the commits onto the branch that was merged into also. At least this is what happened on the xfce-commits list when one of the devs merged several branches with a total of 800+ commits in them, each triggering a commit mail :)
Isn't --no-ff or --squash not able to prevent this?
IMO, it's not good to mess with the history just to avoid triggering commit mails.
Cheers, Matthew Brush