On 01/09/2012 08:21 AM, Nick Treleaven wrote:
On 09/01/2012 00:56, Matthew Brush wrote:
- GeanyWrapLabel - Nice little existing GtkWidget that fixes broken
GtkLabel text wrapping in GTK+ 2. Should work fine in a glade catalog and should even fix wrapping of labels in Glade.
This would be really nice to have, I hate having to create wrapping labels manually whilst the other nearby labels can be done in Glade.
- GeanyObject, others?
Why would we need GeanyObject from Glade? It's a singleton.
Sorry, I should've put a ? after GeanyObject, not to imply it's necessarily a candidate, but rather to ask about it.
- GeanyScintilla - Subclass of ScintillaObject, all functions in
sciwrappers moved to methods of this class. In future, could be combined
There was a GtkScintilla project IIRC that did this, but I don't think it's maintained now.
Yeah, the developer of that (me), was ambitious and tried to wrap the whole massive Scintilla API, but for Geany I was thinking of just wrapping those parts we actually need/use (ex. what's in sciwrappers).
with GeanyEditor since both are somewhat redundant.
I think keeping the separation of scintilla utils and editor functions is a good idea (e.g. derive GeanyScintilla from a GtkScintilla class).
My thinking was they're both serve the same purpose, so having two separate "objects"/files with some functions in one part and some functions in another part seems a bit redundant/overlappy. For example, when I'm writing a plugin and need a function related to the editor widget, I first have to check editor.h and then check sciwrappers.h (then Scintilla docs if it's not found in Geany proper).
Anyway, that would be extremely disruptive to the plugin API.
Very true.
Cheers, Matthew Brush