Hi All,
Colomban has now kindly imported the latest Scintilla into HEAD. It includes Matthews alternative squiggle indicator. This improves the performance when a significant amount of squiggly underlining is present (think C++ compiles, when spell check doesn't like your words etc).
I was going to make an option to select which indicator to use, but after some thought I believe its better to simply switch to always using the alternative because:
1. at least on Linux it looks as good as the original, this needs to be checked on other platforms
2. reduces the incidence of performance complaints due to this problem, so we don't have grumpy users in the first place, and don't have to guide them through editing the setting where ever it is located (filetypes.common probably with all the marker settings)
Note that as this should not be a commonly used setting, there is no need for a GUI setting, or if it turns out to be common, that just supports my argument to use it all the time.
If no one has any substantive issues in the meantime I'll commit the attached patch in a couple of weeks.
Cheers Lex