On 29 November 2015 at 21:22, Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger@uvena.de wrote:
On 29/11/15 10:39, Frank Lanitz wrote:
On 29.11.2015 08:05, Lex Trotman wrote:
All the Gmane searchable archives are unavailable.
Does anyone know if this is just a temporary glitch, or do we need to consider other arrangements?
No idea what's with gmane but site:lists.geany.org as search prefix on google could help a little ;)
Alternatively, there is also narkive.com which seems to provide a similar service as Gmane:
I don't know any details but I guess Gmane is just temporarily down and not gone forever. Let's check again in a few days.
In fact gmane.org is back, but I have learnt a new trick from Frank as well, thanks :)
Cheers Lex
Regards, Enrico
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