Le 11/08/2016 à 00:27, Abel a écrit :
If the editor can execute Node.js directly (like Atom or Visual Studio Code), you can use Node.js API: http://eslint.org/docs/developer-guide/nodejs-api <http://eslint.org/docs/developer-guide/nodejs-api>Otherwise (like Sublime Text or Vim), maybe you can use CLI and communicate by stdio: http://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/command-line-interface <http://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/command-line-interface>
But if there are plugins for sublime or vim using CLI, it seems that the CLI way is not that bad. BTW, I forgot to link to the list of known editors integrations with ESLint: http://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/integrations#editors http://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/integrations#editors
If you can communicate with the process yes, you could write a plugin doing so more dynamically than a build command. If the process can work with pipes even better. That's a Mere Matter of Programming, but it should not be *too* hard to do (Geany even has some supposedly handy API for communicating with a subprocess, taking care of the most obvious issues it implicates).
Also, for the moment you pretty much need to write Geany plugins in C or C++, although Thomas' Peasy plugin [1] adds support for several languages (include JS I'd believe), and it's getting closer to stability.
What about Vala?
Well, Vala requires a description of the C API too, but yes it can work. There is a manually generated VAPI file, but Thomas' work also generate a VAPI file automatically. That could probably be used.
it's getting closer to stability means that it'll be soon inside Geany trunk??
It's a plugin for Geany that adds support for extra plugins (it's actually a proxy for other plugins in other languages). I don't know when he'll consider it stable, but he certainly can answer. I think he considers it beta or close to that -- i.e. working, but would require wider testing.
Regards, Colomban