Hi. I'm going to write Textmate color schemes to Geany color schemes converter. But I have doubts about how to do that properly. Documentation says, that I should place them in colorschemes/*.conf files. But as I see, filetype definitions have hardcoded colors. I don't want to generate schemes for all filetypes becouse it is... redundant. I want to write one color scheme and figure on filetypes.* which SHOULD depend on it (at least official versions). The second problem is, that I can place in colorschemes/*.conf only [named_styles] section, not [styling] section, which is in filetypes.common.
1. Where can I find full list of official [named_styles] properties? I can't find it in the manual. 2. Why it is not possible to define [styling] properties in color scheme files? 3. Have I to overwrite filetypes.common to make well converted color scheme? 4. Have I to overwrite all filetypes.* files to make them depend on filetypes.common (on better colorscheme/*.conf) file?
I don't entirely understand what is filetypes.common for and why it is not just a default color scheme in colorschemes/ subdirectory.
-- Maciej Ciemborowicz